Charlotte Puijk-Joolen
This performance with puppets and masks, for adult audiences, is a mystery play, based on the idea ‘ Panta Rhei’, everything flows eternally…, a thread, that connects the short scenes in a poetical manner.
In the velvet travelling theatre set the spectator is offered a visual form puppetry without lyrics. The performance is built up with different movement techniques, set in a fascinating sound, with surprising contrasts in dimensions.
The performance sets of with a shadowplay, undefinable movements and the illusion of flowing water.. a space full of energy – in it a small figure that becomes more clear from without its own shadow… two small hand puppets are playing with gravity…
An almost ritual, magical tension takes the spectator on journey.
‘Panta Rhei’ has been performed at many international festivals around the world and has been awarded many times.
Panta Rhei II
Creation and direction: Charlotte Puijk-Joolen
Puppets and Masks: Charlotte Puijk-Joolen
Artistic Advice: Henk Boerwinkel
Performance: Charlotte Puijk-Joolen
Lights and Technical Support: Roel Puijk
Photo’s 1-5: Roel Puijk, Photo 6: Etienne van Sloun