(click here for Children)

What happens when the strong shell you have lived in for years slowly weakens? When your body is not functioning as before, where does that leave you?
Concept and Performance: Ananda Puijk.

In our day and age perfection is the standard, even when it is impossible to obtain. In this society of achievers, we keep up appearances, pretending we can handle everything. We are always ‘doing great’.
Could it be that daring to express our own insecurity and incompetence will make us stronger?
Concept and Performance: Ananda Puijk.

A theatrical performance about the search for our inner possibilities and limitations. A beginning of the creation, bodies in space, a never ending space in which we are not the end of evolution. A search in today’s society which is becoming increasingly materialistic. A world in which we are barely conscious that we belong to a larger entity.
Concept: Charlotte Puijk-Joolen and Ananda Puijk. Performance: Charlotte Puijk-Joolen, Ananda Puijk, Dönci Bánki

Visual reflections on the circles of life as an endless transformation of physical and spiritual elements… a game of mystery, in which, in an almost ritual, magical suspense the spectator is carried away into a world of mystery and dreams…
Concept and Performance: Charlotte Puijk-Joolen en Ananda Puijk.

This performance with puppets and masks, for adult audiences, is a mystery play, based on the idea ‘ Panta Rhei’, everything flows eternally…, a thread, that connects the short scenes in a poetical manner.
Concept and Performance: Charlotte Puijk-Joolen.

It’s time to go to bed. “I don’t want to go to bed yet! Maybe everything will be okay tonight after all…”
Concept and Performance: Ananda Puijk, Charlotte Puijk-Joolen
A Little Fairy Tale

A show with puppets, hand dolls, shadowplay and masks for young people starting age 4.
Concept and Performance: Charlotte Puijk-Joolen

De voorstelling Patina neemt de bezoeker mee naar een imaginaire wereld, waarin het niet gaat over de last van het ouder worden, maar juist over de kracht, levenservaring en levensvreugde, die achter de gepatineerde huid verborgen gaan.
Concept and Performance:
Ananda Puijk.